The 12 Step Focus

Having been involved with the Twelve Step communities for over 30 years, I believed from the very beginning that the Twelve Steps should be available to everyone and that anyone could benefit from them.

Within all of the Twelve Step fellowships, there is a focus on the particular form of the addiction; alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, food or relationships and the list goes on and on.

In my studies of A Course in Miracles I have learned how the ego and/or the diseased mind can be as the book Alcoholics Anonymous states, ‘cunning, baffling and powerful.’ A Course in Miracles calls this darker side of us the ego. It can quite realistically be like a bad general in an army and one of its chief aims can be to create factions, creating separation, division and exclusion. Within the Twelve Step programs focusing on the particular addiction the general, or ego supports helps to discover this divisiveness and exclusion we may have been experiencing in our lives.

The simple beauty I found in the Twelve Step process is that by using them we recover the power we gave up by looking for something outside of ourselves to complete us.

Completion comes only from connectivity, within ourselves, when we acknowledge this then we also contribute to our fellow man and strengthen our personal relationship with our source.

The Beginning

So the first step in the Morph Process or MIANY is that we reword the first of the Twelve Steps to say, “We admitted we were powerless over our thinking and our lives had become unmanageable.” We can then be inclusive.

The part of the step that speaks of unmanageability is actually better thought of as unmanaged thoughts. As addicts, to any substance or activity we ran our lives on fear, reacted to situations instead of thinking about consequences. By learning thought management, we learn to think things through. We learn to make an actual decision or decisions instead of reacting on seeming instinct.

By connecting with others in a group setting that are open to change we begin to know hope and with hope we begin to learn to trust. Once trust has become a part of us, we can learn to respond instead of react.

Change comes from making this very important first step.

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