Says Who For The Addictive Personality
Says Who for the Addictive Personality was created by Ora Nadrich and myself, Johnnie Calloway. Ora’s, Says Who 7 question method of changing the way we think to change our lives and my personal experience with addiction and healing from addiction through the Twelve Steps and A Course in Miracles, make a perfect blend to assist the addictive personality in healing on a deeper level.
Together, we have designed the questions to be more directed to the addict. In any Twelve Step recovery program steps, four and ten are about a personal inventory. Typically, this is about an inventory of our actions. A Course in Miracles speaks frequently about cause and effect. With Ora’s approach which is so closely aligned with the teachings of A Course in Miracles, we view the cause as the thought and the effect as the action/behavior. We can literally change the behavior just by acting different but if we do not change the thought that drives the behavior, we will find it is a different behavior leading to the same outcome.
Using the Says Who method, we assist the addict in identifying the thinking that promotes the need to use. Of course, we understand that there is also the physical craving phenomenon that has to be dealt with. Our attempt here is to work with the Twelve Step programs and help the addicts to eradicate the thinking that leads to relapse. WE ARE NOT TRYING TO FIX WHAT IS NOT BROKEN. This approach is meant to be a supplement to the Twelve Steps, not a replacement. Personally, I believe the joining of this process along with working the rest of the steps, is miraculous.

We have done several podcasts together on the subject. Please, give a listen by going to
- Does your mind tell you things that feed your addiction?
- Have you tried to overcome a given addiction and struggled?
- How do your thoughts keep you stuck in your addiction?
- How do your thoughts support your addiction versus support your recovery?
Through Johnnie’s Morph Into A New You show on Mental Health News Radio Network, Johnnie & Author Ora Nadrich plan to conduct weekly conversations where they explore how the powerful question of Says Who? can help the addictive personality. They will apply their experiences, learnings and wisdom in an attempt to help you answer your questions or explore your challenges in a more personal, meaningful way. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Click the button above and complete the form to submit your question and watch for an upcoming podcast focused on that question.
Thanks to Mental Health News Radio Network for making all this possible!